Community Association is a registered non-profit organization, aiming to provide
FOHK Edmonton
Newcomers' Support
Community Services
Multi-cultural Integration
FOHK Edmonton Community Association is a registered non-profit organization.
FOHK is dedicated to fostering unity and inclusion among Edmonton’s diverse communities. Through AsiaFest, we provide a platform for newcomers, particularly from various Asian backgrounds, to integrate into society, and share their culture. By showcasing the unity within our community, we aim to create a strong collective voice in the city, ensuring that everyone has a place to flourish, be proud of their heritage, and contribute to a vibrant, multicultural Edmonton.
in the HK community group - Etown Unity
attended our AsiaFest Night Market in 2023
Or contact us at info@fohkedmonton.ca
We need your help! Our organization is looking for volunteers for upcoming events and projects. If you can spare some time to help out, it would be greatly appreciated. Even just a few hours can make a big difference in our community.
Become a Volunteer


FOHK Edmonton Community Association is a registered not-for-profit organization in Alberta, aiming at connecting Hong Kong newcomers and helping them become true Hong Kong-Canadians. Our funds for organizing events were mainly sourced from sponsors or volunteers; thus, your donations would be of paramount importance to us. Every penny donated to us would be used on FOHK Edmonton's running costs and event expenses, and it will help us to provide more variety of events.
To donate, please Interac E-Transfer to info@fohkedmonton.ca